The following AccountingTools finance books by Steven Bragg can be purchased in softcover format. They are also available as Kindle, Kobo, and Apple books. Click on a book cover to purchase from Amazon.

Finance Books

Business Ratios Guidebook: Fourth Edition
Today's financial executive needs a way to assess the financial performance and financial position of business organizations. The Business Ratios Guidebook provides one of the best ways to do so by describing more than 200 ratios and other measurements. When applied to an organization's financial statements, these ratios can clarify its results, liquidity, and cash flows. The measurement areas covered include performance, return on investment, share performance and constraints. Examples of the functional areas also covered include cash management, credit and collections, customer service, human resources, production, and sales. In short, this book is the ultimate desk reference for ratio analysis. [Buy]

The CFO Guidebook: Fifth Edition
The CFO manages the financial structure and oversees the financial performance of an organization, so this is a critical and demanding management position. The CFO Guidebook provides the CFO with detailed advice regarding how to be most effective in every aspect of the job. The book covers all parts of the CFO's traditional finance role, including budgeting, fundraising, investments, going public, investor relations, and share management. It goes on to address more recent additions to the job, such as strategic planning, risk management, the control environment, and information technology. Given its comprehensive coverage of the CFO position, The CFO Guidebook can serve as a reference manual for anyone wanting to become more effective in the position. [Buy]

Corporate Cash Management: Fifth Edition
The proper management of cash is an essential part of business operations. Corporate Cash Management provides an essential framework for the development and operation of a cash management system. It does so by showing how to forecast cash flows, which can then be used as the basis for a campaign to enhance the inflow of cash to the organization. The book also notes the systems used to collect, concentrate, invest, and disburse cash, as well as the supporting controls and measurements needed to monitor these systems. It also covers the related topics of fundraising and risk management. In short, Corporate Cash Management is a useful tool for developing a comprehensive system of cash management. [Buy]

Corporate Finance: Third Edition
A thorough knowledge of finance is needed in order to successfully operate a business of any size. Corporate Finance concentrates on the finance essentials needed to run a business, including fund raising, internal cash management, and the deployment of funds to dividends, capital expenditures, investments, and acquisitions. It addresses such core issues as how to develop an appropriate capital structure and determine the best types of available funding. The book also covers risk management for foreign exchange and interest rates. In short, Corporate Finance provides the finance professional with a complete toolkit of solutions. [Buy]

Cost Management Guidebook: Fourth Edition
The Cost Management Guidebook shows how to stay competitive by paring away nonessential costs. It discusses how to examine the cost structure of a business in order to better understand which costs must be incurred and which can be reduced. Hundreds of specific cost reduction tips are covered in all areas of a business, including compensation, sales, production, procurement, and administration. There are extensive discussions of asset reduction techniques, as well as cost management reports and measurements. This book is the essential toolkit for anyone who is serious about managing costs. [Buy]

Enterprise Risk Management: Fourth Edition
A well-run business needs to factor risk into its daily operations in order to keep from incurring unexpected losses. This book provides detailed guidance for doing so. Enterprise Risk Management describes the concept of risk management, how to identify risks, and how to prioritize the responses to these risks. The book also shows how to integrate risk management into an organization’s strategy and day-to-day operations, and who is responsible for it. The book addresses risk management at the level of the individual functional area, including treasury and accounting, sales and marketing, human resources, and information technology. There is coverage of contingency planning, insurance, financial analysis, and risk-related measurements and reports. Risk management is a major failing in many organizations; use the planning advice in this book to rise above the crowd. [Buy]

Financial Analysis: Fourth Edition
Nearly every business decision calls for a clear understanding of the underlying numbers. A manager needs this information to understand how well a business unit is performing, whether a new venture can achieve a reasonable profit, how much debt to take on, and so forth. Financial Analysis can assist with these decisions by focusing on the key indicators in a business that will drive its future performance. It does so by describing how to extract meaningful information from financial statements. It also delves into a number of analyses that are linked to specific business decisions, such as price optimization, constraint management, and credit granting. Another area addressed is financing, where the book covers financial leverage, capital structure, and foreign exchange risk. Other topics include financial forecasting, discounted cash flow analysis, and the valuation of acquisitions. In short, Financial Analysis is the essential desk reference for anyone who wants to make better-informed decisions. [Buy]

The Interpretation of Financial Statements: Fourth Edition
Financial statements are designed to show the performance, financial condition, and cash flows of a business. The Interpretation of Financial Statements reveals how to convert these statements into an open book that can be explored in depth, giving crucial insights to investors, lenders, and creditors. It does so by describing the structure of the financial statements, noting a number of tools for extracting information from the statements, and providing a wealth of additional insights into the reasons for the presence of or changes in certain numbers within the statements. In short, this book contains the complete set of tools for breaking down and examining a set of financial statements. [Buy]

The Investor Relations Guidebook: Fifth Edition
A public company should communicate with the investment community, to clarify how it creates value and to set expectations for its performance. The Investor Relations Guidebook is a valuable resource for dealing with investors. It delves into the construction of a value proposition and how to communicate it to investors, as well as how to conduct an earnings call and provide guidance. It also covers the various types of SEC filings, how to organize an annual shareholder meeting, the mechanics of road shows, and the steps involved in an initial public offering. In short, the Investor Relations Guidebook is the go-to resource for anyone wanting to engage in investor relations. [Buy]

Mergers and Acquisitions: Fifth Edition
This book shows how to maximize the benefits to be gained from an acquisition, while reducing the risk of failure. It does so by discussing the strategies that are most successful for buyers, the steps and pitfalls in the acquisition process, how to gain government approval of an acquisition, and how to conduct a sufficiently detailed due diligence investigation. The book goes on to address those legal structures that are most beneficial from a tax perspective, how to develop a sensible purchase price, and how to engage in a seamless operational integration. [Buy]

Treasurer’s Guidebook: Fourth Edition
The treasurer can provide significant value to a business, not just by managing its money, but also through fundraising activities and proper attention to the management of credit and risk. The Treasurer's Guidebook shows how to enhance the treasurer position; it does so by discussing how the treasury department’s performance can be organized and fine-tuned, focusing on bank relations, cash concentration systems, investment strategies, financing sources, credit management, insurance, and more. The book also addresses the administrative aspects of the treasurer’s job, including the accounting for treasury transactions, treasury management systems, controls, and measurements. In short, this book is the ultimate toolkit for anyone intending to expand and improve the treasurer position. [Buy]