Idle capacity definition
/What is Idle Capacity?
Idle capacity is the remaining amount of capacity left in a company after productive capacity and protective capacity have been eliminated from consideration. Productive capacity is that portion of a work center's total capacity needed to process currently scheduled production, while protective capacity is additional capacity held in reserve to ensure that a sufficient quantity of parts can be manufactured to adequately feed the bottleneck operation. Protective capacity is, to some degree, a matter of opinion, for it can involve a substantial proportion of total capacity if a company intends to retain sufficient capacity to cover extremely large (and rare) production spikes. Conversely, if management is content to allow some occasional downtime at its bottleneck operation, then it may define protective capacity as a much smaller number. Thus, depending upon management's intentions regarding running the bottleneck operation, idle capacity may be either nonexistent or quite large.
Management of Idle Capacity
There are several management issues related to idle capacity, which are as follows:
Sale of assets decision. If you are evaluating whether to eliminate assets from a work center, you should only sell off those assets associated with idle capacity, since selling off protective capacity puts a company's profit-making potential at risk.
Work flow decision. You should move all machines representing idle production capacity out of the normal work flow. This may allow you to streamline the process flow for the remaining equipment, which can reduce the cost of production.
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Examples of Idle Capacity
Here are several examples of idle capacity within a business:
Unused machine hours. When equipment is not fully utilized due to lower-than-expected demand, the remaining available hours represent idle capacity. For example, if a machine operates at 60% of its maximum capability, the unused 40% reflects idle capacity.
Unoccupied warehouse space. Extra storage space that is not needed for current inventory levels is idle capacity. This situation can occur during off-peak seasons when inventory is lower, leaving parts of the warehouse empty and unproductive.
Underutilized labor hours. If employees are scheduled for 40-hour weeks but only work 30 hours due to a lack of orders, the unused 10 hours per worker represent idle capacity. This often occurs in manufacturing environments with fluctuating demand.
Excess production lines. When a company has more production lines than needed to meet demand, the inactive lines constitute idle capacity. This might happen if new lines were added based on projected demand that did not materialize.
Surplus computing resources. In IT environments, unused server capacity or bandwidth represents idle capacity. For example, if a data center operates at 50% of its maximum processing power, the remaining 50% is idle capacity, potentially increasing cost
Accounting for Idle Capacity
If you have idle capacity, you should treat it as a period cost and charge it to expense in the period incurred, rather than allocating its cost to inventory. Doing so flushes out the expense, rather than incorrectly retaining it within the business as an asset.
When to Retain Idle Capacity
If the projected monetary gain from the sale of idle equipment is minimal, then it usually makes sense to retain the assets, thereby essentially expanding the protective capacity of the business. This is usually the case, since the older and least efficient machines that are typically sold off have reduced market values.
Idle capacity can also be used to accept new orders from customers that exceed current production levels, though there must be idle capacity available in the bottleneck operation. Otherwise, taking on additional orders will merely increase the size of the backlog in front of the bottleneck operation.