Hierarchical organizational structure

What is a Hierarchical Organizational Structure?

A hierarchical organizational structure contains a direct chain of command from the top of the organization to the bottom. Senior management makes all critical decisions, which are then passed down through subsidiary levels of management. If someone at the bottom of this organizational pyramid wants to make a decision, they pass the request up through the chain of command for approval, for which a decision will eventually be returned. A hierarchical structure operates well when there are few products that are sold in high volume, so that tight control can be maintained over the design, quality, production, and distribution of goods.

Characteristics of a Hierarchical Organizational Structure

The key characteristics of a hierarchical organizational structure are as follows:

  • Clear chain of command. In this structure, authority flows vertically from top to bottom, with each level reporting to the level directly above it.

  • Defined levels of authority. In this structure, employees are grouped into layers, with higher levels having more authority and control.

  • Specialization. In this structure, employees typically perform specific roles or tasks within their department or area of expertise.

  • Accountability. In this structure, each employee is accountable to a direct supervisor, making it easier to monitor their performance.

  • Formal communication channels. In this structure, communication flows in a structured, top-down manner. Feedback from lower levels is often delayed or filtered through multiple levels.

  • Centralized decision-making. In this structure, key decisions are made at the top levels of the hierarchy, while lower levels have limited autonomy.

  • Rigid structure. In this structure, rules, procedures, and policies are well-documented and strictly followed. There is little room for deviation or flexibility.

  • Slow adaptability. The multi-layered structure can slow down decision-making and responsiveness to changes, because any changes require approval through several levels of the organization.

  • Career progression. In this structure, employees have clear pathways for promotion and career growth based on hierarchy.

  • Efficient in larger organizations. This structure is best suited for large organizations with many employees where clear roles and accountability are essential.

Example of the Hierarchical Organizational Structure

For example, Horton Corporation develops a wildly popular super widget that is in strong demand in many countries. This widget is the only product that Horton sells. The president decides to tightly control the quality of this super widget by producing it in a single, large-scale facility, and selling it through a chain of distributors. This calls for a hierarchical structure to control all aspects of production and distribution. The distributors are allowed to engage in their own marketing activities, so this portion of the business is essentially localized and not under the control of Horton.

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Advantages of the Hierarchical Structure

A hierarchical system allows a few people to control all aspects of an organization, which has the following advantages:

  • Control orientation. When there are just a few key products being sold, or there is a specific marketing message to be distributed, the hierarchical system works well. For example, a high-end women’s handbag manufacturer will likely need to employ a hierarchical system in order to closely monitor the design and production of handbags. Similarly, a high-volume consumer products company needs to maintain a consistent worldwide brand image, and so needs to control all aspects of production, distribution, and marketing.

  • Career path. There is a clear career path through this type of organization, with employees gradually advancing through the various levels of management over a number of years. Those reaching senior positions tend to have built up massive experience with the company.

  • Clear reporting. Since power is so centralized, it is easy to determine who is authorized to make a decision.

  • Specialization. Employees are more likely to have niche positions that allow them to become in-depth specialists. If their expertise is used effectively, this means that a company can have a number of centers within the organization where best practices are employed.

Disadvantages of the Hierarchical Structure

Though the higher level of coordination associated with the hierarchical system is useful in some instances, there are also a number of problems with it relating to the flow of information, the speed of decision making, and added costs. Consider the following issues:

  • Restricted information. Information tends to flow toward the top of the organizational structure, so that the management team has a complete set of information with which to run the business. However, the reverse is not the case. There is very little downward flow of information to the lower levels of the organization, which tends to cramp any initiatives that might otherwise originate in these areas.

  • Slow decision making. The hierarchical system takes time for management decisions to percolate down through the various levels of management and be enacted. If a company operates in a swiftly-changing environment, this can mean that the business is slow to react to competitive and environmental pressures, and so can lose market share.

  • Added costs. A hierarchical system requires a considerable amount of corporate overhead to support the senior management group, including extra layers of management, internal auditors, budgeting and control departments, and so forth. This can be an excessive burden on profits when the bureaucracy is especially bloated.

In general, there is a trend away from the hierarchical system and toward a decentralized organizational structure. This trend is primarily driven by the speed with which decisions must be made, since many markets are now highly competitive and require lightning-fast decision making. This does not mean that the hierarchical system is entirely outmoded – on the contrary, there are a number of businesses that require tight control over limited product lines, and which therefore continue to operate well within this structure.

Hierarchical v. Flat Organizational Structure

A flat organizational structure has few layers of middle management inserted between top management and employees, and perhaps no middle managers at all. This differs substantially from the hierarchical structure, where there may be multiple levels of middle management. There are several differences between these structures, which are as follows:

  • Focus. The hierarchical system has a tightly-defined direction, which is set and enforced by senior management, while a flat organizational structure tends to result in a more diffused direction for the organization, with many people interpreting what the organization should be doing.

  • Decision speed. Decision-making is slower in a hierarchical structure, where decisions flow down from the top, through multiple layers of management, before eventually reaching employees. In a flat structure, more decisions are pushed down into the organization, so that employees are empowered to make decisions on the spot.

  • Cost. The cost to operate a hierarchical system can be much higher than the cost of a flat structure, because it must support the salaries of a large number of middle managers. This means that a flat organizational structure can generate more profits, all other things being equal.

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