Inventory profit definition

What is Inventory Profit?

Inventory profit is the increase in value of an item that has been held in inventory for a period of time. The profit is not realized until the inventory has been sold. Until that time, an inventory profit does not appear in the financial statements of the entity holding the inventory. There are two possible reasons for inventory profit, which are noted next:

  • Inventory profit from appreciation. The market value of an inventory item may increase over time. This is most common when commodities are held in stock. A company could generate a profit through speculation, holding onto inventory in the hope that its market value will rise.

  • Inventory profit from inflation. The value of the currency in which inventory is recorded declines, so that the amount of currency required if someone were to purchase the inventory increases. Inflation is a common cause of inventory profit in a first in, first out (FIFO) inventory costing system, where the cost of the oldest items in stock are charged to the cost of goods sold when units are consumed. Since the oldest items in stock should have the lowest cost in an inflationary environment, this leads to an inventory profit.

Example of Inventory Profit

A small electronics retailer that buys 100 smartphones at a wholesale price of $500 each. The total cost for this inventory is $50,000. A few months later, due to a surge in demand and a shortage of supply, the market price for these smartphones rises to $600 each.

If the retailer decides to sell the phones at the new market price, the total revenue would be $60,000 ($600 x 100 phones). The inventory profit in this case would be the difference between the selling price and the original cost, which is:

$60,000 (revenue) - $50,000 (cost) = $10,000 of inventory profit.

This profit occurred not because of additional work or enhancement of the product, but simply because the value of the phones increased while they were held in inventory.

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How to Analyze Inventory Profit

If an inventory is well-managed, it should turn over with great regularity, which means that there is little time for an inventory profit to accrue. Conversely, an inventory with low turnover has a greater opportunity to generate a profit, since more time passes before it it consumed. Realistically, there is at least as good a chance for the value of inventory to decline as to increase, so the probability for an inventory profit to occur in any size is relatively low.

When reviewing the performance of a business, it is best to strip out the effects of inventory profit in order to determine the amount of profitability generated by operations. Thus, an inventory profit should be considered an occasional and incidental part of doing business, except in situations where management is deliberately holding inventory in order to achieve price appreciation.

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